Archeological parels of ‘bakermat van beschaving’ slijten stilletjes way door klimaatverandering | milieu

The first division of Iraq, which also knows the state as the baker’s job, is due to the fact that the climate change has been lost. The successful outcome is not always possible for longer periods of time, higher concentrations and storms outside of the sea in the static building, which is open to Leemstenen, along the way.

Het Nabije Oosten – part of the Middle East – has a lot of valuable information. The regional state is also known as the weight of the beschaving, met the spijkerschrift, the landbouw en verstedelijking that he hun orsprong know. On the sea Iraq tells some archeological parallels that have been seriously affected by climate change.

“Hetland herbergt tienduizenden vindplaatsen the dates van het paleolithicum (de oude steentijd, ed.)”, aldus Augusta McMahon, hoogleraar archeologie aan de University of Cambridge. “A pity aan legendary locaties such as Babylon zal enormous hiaten aft laten in our knowledge over our gescheidis en oorsprong.”


How come it was actually built in Iraq that was touched? What does that mean with the climate change that is being made? That’s what it says: Iraq isn’t that far away, because it’s a natural thing in the ground and on the ground. Due to poor water handling and due to irrigation techniques, it has become a major problem in Iraq.

Door de klimaatverandering Kampt Iraq eveneens met sea drug periods, less Regenval and het aantal zandstormen zal voorspelling tegen 2050 sea dan dubbelen. Daarbij stijgt de zeespiegel waardoor Zuid-Iraq in less than 30 years completely onder water you can stay.

De zoutconcentratie is – onder sea doordat he less rain valt – in the middle of the zo hoog dat deze “vernietigend agressief kan zijn”, volgens geoarcheoloog Jaafar Jotheri. “Het zal de archeologische sites, de tablets met spijkerschrift en leemstenen verniechten. Het zal kill everything.”

De poort van Ishtar in Babylon © AFP
