Archbishop: Accept personal restrictions on peace

BAMBERG (dpa-AFX) – Archbishop Ludwig Schick of Bamberg has called for personal restrictions to be accepted when working for peace. Peace must be prayed for and longed for, he said on Saturday, according to a message on the occasion of the Easter Vigil celebration in the cathedral. Ukraine should be supported in its self-defense and accept the sanctions against the aggressor Russia. And every individual must be prepared to accept restrictions in the supply of food and consumer goods and rising energy prices.

“Peace is part of the DNA of Christians,” said Schick. “The terrible, murderous and destructive war in Ukraine makes us pray that the sign of peace of the risen Christ will become a reality everywhere. We can have this hope for Easter 2022.” At the same time, the archbishop appealed to the Russian Orthodox Church to help end the Russian aggression against fellow believers in Ukraine by “proclaiming Christ’s greeting of peace”.

Maintaining peace in the world is above all about global justice, Schick emphasized. “Too much here causes too little elsewhere. Inequality increases discord, which can turn into violence and the use of weapons.”/zk/DP/zb
