Aran Bade annoys Jan Roos: ‘That’s such a drool talk!’

Aran Bade, the star reporter of RTL Boulevard, arouses a lot of annoyance at Jan Roos. The presenter of RoddelPraat thinks he is a ‘drool chatter’. “Terrible that guy.”

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Jan Roos and Dennis Schouten show in the latest episode of their online hit Gossip Talk watch a fragment of Aran Bade interviewing the Eurovision couple Mia Nicolai and Dion Cooper. “Oh, what’s that drool talk called again?”, says Jan. Dennis: “Aran Bade. What do you think of those kinds of interviewers?”

drool talk

Aran causes a lot of annoyance with Jan. “Oh, I think that’s such a drool talk, man. That’s really a bottle of lube with a microphone that guy. Terrible. What a… He probably always thinks everyone is great. ‘Fantastic! Oh, I like you too! So fantastic!’ Didn’t we also have that at some point?”

Dennis: “No, that was with Shownieuws. They were at my door in Almere and they came to interview me and said: ‘I think you have such a nice program. Really fun. Nice to see you.’”

‘Super nice, beautiful!’

Jan thinks it’s all very bad fake. “Yes, super fun! While you saw in that man’s eyes that he really didn’t know who we were. But it was so much fun, so much fun! He (Aran, ed.) is like that too.”

Dennis: “Yes, he likes everyone. I once had Aran in the backyard for an interview. Then he also says: ‘What a beautiful house!’ That’s what the man in Almere said! “How beautiful it is here!” Do you remember that?”

District heating

That Shownieuws reporter really fell through the ice then, says Jan. “Yes, I remember that. Then he fell through the basket!”

They just say something, according to Dennis. “He was seriously standing in front of the large district heating building in Almere-Poort and then said: ‘What a beautiful building that is! Great building!’ It looked like a factory, dude. Terrible.”

Gossip Talk

In the latest episode of GossipPraat, Dennis talks extensively about the stabbing incident he fell victim to:
