Aragonès without budgets, article by Joaquim Coll

The bullfighter Rafael Gómez Ortega, nicknamed ‘Gallito’, is credited with the funny redundant phrase “what cannot be, cannot be and is also impossible& rdquor;, which in the 80s the group Siniestro Total turned into a musical title. Well then, although the Government insists on launching optimistic messages, the PSC is closer to ‘no’ than to ‘yes’ to the budgets. In reality, its approval defies the political logic of parliamentarism. Let’s remember that Pere Aragones It was invested with the votes of the CUP and Junts, but it only retains the support of the 33 ERC deputies, a party that also did not win the elections, since the most voted was the PSC. The sensible thing, once Junts leaves the Government, would have been submit to a motion of confidence, giving way to new elections in case of being rejected. This was also the second time that the pro-independence coalition broke up, since it already happened under the presidency of Quim Torra. Now the disunity of separatism is already definitive, irreversible. The only stability solution in the medium term is a Transversal government between the two main parties, PSC and ERC, federalists and independentistas. But that has to mature under conditions that still do not exist.

In the short term, it is very difficult for the Socialists to vote on the ERC budget, since that would mean as much as giving it the legislature. Once the unity of the independence movement has been broken on all four sides, the best thing is to redistribute the cards in an election. And from there something new with a future can be born. Aragonès is not obliged to summon them, he can hold out, but he will not be able to go very far without budgets. For his part, Salvador Illa, who aspires to be ‘president’ of the Generalitat, is aware of the risk of having reached out too much to the Republicans when they governed with Junts to get the accounts done, in an attempt to influence as the first opposition party. Since then, his movement has been to withdraw towards a very tough and demanding negotiation that ends up tipping the balance towards ‘no’ to the budgets.
