Aragonès will announce a monocolor Government with the presence of independents

Pere Aragones prepared this Friday an immediate response to the departure of Junts from the Government, just the day before the 500th day of the coalition. With a serious gesture, the ‘president’ regretted the decision of his former associates, but came to point out that there is no time to lick one’s wounds. And turning a deaf ear to the words of the president of Junts, Laura Borras who questioned, a few minutes before, the “legitimacy” of the Republican as head of the Generalitat, announced the renewal of his Consell Executiu, in which he will make room for independent profiles.

Moreover, according to Republican sources, it will be monochromewill not include members of other parties, but the ‘president’ did point out that his new team will reflect the Catalonia of 80%, that is, the one that, above political colors, is committed to a solution to the conflict with the State through of a self-determination referendum in line with the Canadian path that he proposed a week earlier.

together He leaves the Government under cover of the decision of a divided base and formalizes the total rupture within the independence movement. Proof of this is the result: 55.73% opted to break with ERC and 42.39% were about to stay, with a participation of 79.18%, the highest recorded to date in an internal JxCat consultation. But the legitimacy of the Executiu that he shared with Esquerra is being questioned and the result is presented as a duel with the ‘president’: “Together wins, Aragonès losesBorràs came to say.

The ‘president’ replied that “it’s about whoever wins is the country“, disfigured the attitude of his former partners, asserted that “this is not the time to evade responsibilities” due to the looming economic crisis. Aragonès’ response will be to go from a 52% Government (the current pro-independence majority in the election count ) to one of 80%, that is, one that brings together supporters of holding a self-determination referendum, according to surveys by the Generalitat itself. with the State”, through a referendum, he blurted out.

“A new stage is opening”, sanctioned the head of the Executiu after stressing that he did not share Junts’ decision and expressing his satisfaction with the work of the post-convergent ‘consellers’, most of them, in favor of continuing in their respective departments and forced to resign after the decision of the bases. “We have to govern and we will continue to govern. And for this we will seek new alliances, with economic and social agents, as well as with civil society to follow the path of great consensus,” he added.

Regarding the future relationship with former partners, Aragonès promised to “reach out” and “rebuild trust”. Everything from an Executiu “compacted 100%”, that is, what he lacked with Junts after two ultimatums and the threat of a matter of trust that cost the position of the already ‘ex-vice president’ Jordi Puigneró.

To continue and, as Aragonès said, endure the rest of the legislature, whose end is expected in 2025 if there are no major setbacks, he needs the support, at least punctual, of the ‘comuns’ and the PSC, as long as Junts gets off the hook. The ‘comuns’ will debate if they ask for seats in the Consell Executiu, in case the ERC offers them, but for now the PSC prioritizes maintaining the leadership of the opposition, in a constructive way. And it is that the first litmus test will be the budgets, because Esquerra requires both forces to carry them out if Junts stands up even if they have been planned to date by his ‘minister’, James Giro.

Together’s opposition

The future that awaits Junts is in the opposition bloc – which it will share with the CUP if the pro-independence flank is taken into account – and will be marked by an internal fracture that both Borràs and Turull made an effort to conceal. For the first time in an internal consultation, the ‘lauristas’ and those related to the ‘expresident’ Carles Puigdemont won the game to those who have a history in Convergence and the PDECatfavorable governance.

“Only 33 seats remain of the 74 that supported him,” insisted the top leaders of Junts

They are not expected to reach out to Aragonès, but rather a crude battle against the Govern. Turull slipped that the ‘president’ should consider his continuity, either by calling elections or submitting to a matter of trust, both decisions, only in the hands of the boss at the Palau de la Generalitat. “He only has 33 seats left out of the 74 that supported him,” insisted the top leaders of Junts.

“Today the Government is a failed Government”, clinched the suspended president of the Parliament who disdained to resign from her position in the Chamber -it should be remembered that she was elected thanks to the pact they forged with ERC- to end the interim that reigns in the institution. After making Republicans ugly the agreements with the PSOEThey repeated that they do not contemplate submitting their pact with the socialists to the Barcelona Provincial Council for consultation. The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, chose to launch an allegation in favor of stability: “The stability of governments is fundamental”he insisted.

The new executive

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The next few hours will be key to understanding what the new Executiu will be like and how it will be organized. Depending on the scheme that Aragonès draws, with possible mergers between areas, it will be possible to detect those gaps that the Republican reserve to a future entrance of the ‘comuns’. One of them could be that of the vice presidency, a position that does not bear any obligation to maintain and that is usually required within a coalition Executive. In one of monocolor, the functions of number two, of coordinator of departments has always been for the Ministry of Presidency.

Regardless of the new Consell Executiu, the independence movement is completely broken, with three parties with institutional representation claiming conflicting strategies and with open hostilities between them.
