Aragonès calls on businessmen to resist a 2022 of triggered inflation

  • The Govern, the City Council and the Government are pleased with the choice of Barcelona as the venue for the America’s Cup of Sailing

The ‘president’ of the Government, Pere Aragoneshas called on Catalan businessmen to resist and continue competing before a 2022 of inflation shot. The leader of the Generalitat has warned that the high prices, fueled by the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, will last throughout the year and has urged employers and workers to negotiate “a new social pact to share the costs of war and the opportunities that arise after the conflict”, as stated this Monday at the award ceremony ‘Company of l’Any‘ of THE NEWSPAPER. “This country has to abandon the defeatist discourse”, he has insisted and has urged the business community to bet on projects that develop the country’s “technological sovereignty” and “energy autonomy” (developing infrastructures such as the gas pipeline Midcat). “When we put on, we can & rdquor ;, he asserted.

“Catalan companies are one more reason to add to the long list of prides of the country”, Aragonès affirmed. The republican leader has praised the results resulting from public-private collaboration and between administrations, such as the one that has led to the choice of Barcelona as the venue for the America’s Sailing Cup. “In these times we need good news”, the first deputy mayor of Barcelona agreed, James Collboni. The socialist has praised the “compromise & rdquor; from Global Barcelona and thanked the city’s businessmen and managers who have endorsed Barcelona’s candidacy with their assets to host this world-renowned sporting event.

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Investing in training -a pending issue in Spain- has been a commitment and demand shared by the different political personalities gathered. “Investing in human capital is investing in our future”, declared the Government delegate in Catalonia, Maria Eugenia Gay, which has especially highlighted the need to continue strengthening vocational training (VT) and to do so by taking advantage of the “historic opportunity” of the funds NextGeneration EU.

Funds that are an example of public-private collaboration praised by the Minister of Business and Employment, Roger Torrent, during his speech as a method to face the challenges of the 21st century, which he has listed as “the green, feminist, social and democratic transformation & rdquor ;. “We are in a time of profound changes that require consultation between the public and private sectors. Only if we are able to find common answers to common problems will we succeed. […] The world that we leave to our children depends on it & rdquor ;, he declared.
