Arafat Abou-Chaker “congratulates” Bushido on the wedding anniversary

Bushido and his wife Anna-Maria celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary on Monday. A big event that Bushido prepared for in a special way: with a tooth whitening product that he advertised on social media. He also announced that he would go to the hairdresser and might even want to go to a gym to get in shape like his wife.

Whether he did it remains an open question. At least the two celebrated their wedding anniversary on Monday, with a romantic dinner for two. Originally, the plans were bigger: they had considered symbolically marrying again on the occasion of the tenth wedding anniversary. However, the birth of triplets in November last year got in the way of this plan: “I kind of thought that even with triplets, our lives would go on as normal, but that’s not the case. We really don’t have much time for anything.” wrote Anna-Maria Ferchichi on Instagram.

Romantic dinner for the wedding anniversary

But the two didn’t want to celebrate at all. That’s how we ended up having dinner together (pasta with broccoli). Of course, recorded in constant live reporting on Instagram. Bushido in a video: “I’m here with my dearest wife for their tenth wedding anniversary, sweetheart. At this point: how did you endure it?” The answer: “Sometimes I ask myself that too”. According to press reports, Anna-Maria filed a complaint against her husband for assault in 2014.

In the meantime, however, the two have apparently made up again. Unlike Bushido and Arafat Abou-Chaker. At the wedding ten years ago, Arafat was Bushido’s best man. The two later fell out, and now they are even complaining in court. According to the indictment, Arafat is said to have demanded several million euros from Bushido in order to release him from his contract with him. He is also said to have locked the rapper in and thrown a bottle and a chair at him. There are other allegations as well.

Arafat with a poisoned message to Bushido

Arafat now used the tenth wedding anniversary for a provocation. In a video published on Instagram and TikTok, he superficially congratulated Bushido on the wedding day. In a tone that can be described as “passive-aggressive” with a clear conscience, he says: “Me as your former big brother and partner… And to you, of course, Anna-Maria, only the best. Just for you and your children and your families.” Towards the end of the short video it becomes clearer: “Celebrate with us. Too bad I can’t be there… But you have new friends now. celebrate with them. All the best Peace.”

@arafatabouchakerrCongratulations on another 10 years ????????♬ Original sound – arafat

Endless process between Bushido and Arafat Abou-Chaker

The trial between Bushido and Arafat is quite a farce. Most of the summoned, often prominent witnesses, bizarrely, hardly remember anything – or don’t appear at all. In addition, so many detailed questions have to be clarified that the process has been dragging on for ages. The 70th day of the hearing ended particularly strangely in early May: After rapper Shindy’s lawyer had no time to accompany his client, an employee of a property management company where Bushido and Arafat once bought almost a hundred apartments together did not appear in court and Bushido also did so could not be heard during a holiday trip, the judge did not really know what to do. He had probably copied his alternative program from exhausted teachers shortly before the summer holidays: He ran the Bushido documentary “Uncensored”. The next day of negotiations is scheduled for May 30th.
