Apps of the week: Apex Legends now also for smartphones | NOW

An artificial intelligence draws your new profile picture and the popular game Apex Legends is arrives on smartphones. These are the apps of the week.

Apex Legends Mobile

The popular game Apex Legends is now available for smartphones. Apex Legends Mobile contains practically everything the original game for PC and consoles also has, except support for controllers. You can only use it after a future update. The makers do make it clear that this game is separate from its big brother on PC and consoles. That means the story and the upcoming updates are their own.

Apex Legends Mobile is a battle royale game, just like Fortnite. So you fight against a large number of other players on an increasingly smaller playing field, and the last team to survive is the winner. An important part of the game are the different heroes, playing characters that all have their own special power. Unique to this smartphone version is the hero Fade, who moves faster and can turn back time.

The lack of support for controllers is a big loss, because the touch control on small telephone screens quickly leads to fidgeting. Furthermore, Apex Legends Mobile a successful mobile version of a top game.

Download Apex Legends Mobile for android or iOS (free).


You’ve probably already come across them on social media: profile pictures in the form of drawn faces. The images appear to have been created by professional artists, but that is not the case. They just come from an app.

That app is called NewProfilePic† You upload a photo that clearly shows your face and choose a style. A drawing is then made using artificial intelligence.

The company behind NewProfilePic has offices in Russia, but states that it does not pass on your data. In addition, the app uses servers from Amazon and Microsoft in the United States. NewProfilePic is free to use with a ton of ads. These can be removed by subscribing to the pro version. That will cost you 28.49 euros per year.

Download NewProfilePic for android or iOS (free).




Photo: NewProfilePic

Apple Podcasts

Apple Podcasts is the first place those interested in podcasts with an iPhone go. But it is often not the last, because in terms of functions, the app is still quite behind its peers. Apple would like to see that changed, so a year ago it introduced a new design and since then more and more options have been added slowly.

The latest update is in the software update of your iPhone and iPad, iOS 15.5 and iPadOS 15.5. A big improvement is that Apple Podcasts now manages the storage space on your device better.

You can limit the number of episodes saved, which will automatically delete old episodes. You can also manually limit the number of episodes to download automatically, or choose to download only episodes that appeared in the past 7, 14 or 30 days.

In addition, podcast makers are made more interesting to use the app. They will be given the option to also offer paid episodes. It is also possible to sell an annual subscription.

Download Apple Podcasts for iOS (free)

Apple Podcasts

Apple Podcasts

Apple Podcasts

Apple Podcasts
