Approach to peak load starts | News item

News item | 12-06-2023 | 9:00 am

The national peak load approach starts today. From now on, agricultural entrepreneurs can use a tool and the website check whether they fall under the target group of this approach, how they can get started with (further) sustainability of their company and what options there are for voluntary termination. Minister Christianne van der Wal (Nature and Nitrogen) writes this in a letter to the House of Representatives.

The peak load approach is completely voluntary. Entrepreneurs can, if they wish, come up with a proposal within the approach itself – in the form of a business plan. This plan states how they want to further shape the future of their company in such a way that nitrogen emissions are significantly reduced. There is a lot of room for customization. To arrive at this plan, an entrepreneur may make use of personal support. In addition, there are and will be various schemes to enable (further) sustainability. Entrepreneurs who want to stop can make use of a one-off, financially very attractive termination scheme.

Thinking about changing, moving or ending the company is drastic. That is why the cabinet, provinces, municipalities and other organizations involved are jointly committed to properly and carefully supporting entrepreneurs who are considering these options.

Minister Van der Wal: “As of today, entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to get started within the peak load approach. Together with their environment, they can think about the future of their company. Making choices about the future of the company has an impact on farmers, their families and the immediate environment, I understand that well. That is why we will support them as best we can. For a strong nature, healthy company, sustainable production and a liveable countryside, it is important for every entrepreneur to think about the future of the company”.

Website and calculation tool online

On the website entrepreneurs find information about the approach and the regulations that form part of it. An entrepreneur can participate in the approach if the nitrogen deposition exceeds the threshold value. This is the case when a company causes at least 2500 mol nitrogen deposition per year on overloaded nitrogen-sensitive nature within 25 kilometres. To check whether this applies to a company, an entrepreneur can use the tool (called AERIUS Check) to use. To complete the tool, company data is required, such as the location, the type of house and the number of animals. The entered data and results are not saved and are not available to the government. For entrepreneurs who want help completing the tool, have questions about the approach or want personal guidance, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency and AT12 reachable by phone.

Special arrangements for peak-load companies

Entrepreneurs who fall under the peak load approach can voluntarily make significant reductions by means of (a combination of) extensification, innovation, conversion and relocation. To support plans to this end, the government is working on various schemes. Not all schemes of the approach have been finalized yet, which is why we describe as clearly as possible on the website what the schemes will look like. We will add to this information in the coming months. In the meantime, entrepreneurs can think about their options and future prospects. The government believes it is important that entrepreneurs are given sufficient time to make a well-considered assessment and choice between all options. That is why there will be a period in which all schemes will be open at the same time.

In addition to making the company future-proof, entrepreneurs can also choose to make use of attractive termination schemes. Today the National Termination Scheme for Livestock Farming Locations (Lbv) and the Lbv-plus will be published in the Government Gazette. The Lbv-plus is a one-off, financially attractive scheme that will be available to dairy, pig, poultry and veal farmers who fall under the target group of the peak load approach. The Lbv is available to a larger group of dairy, pig and poultry farmers, which also causes a considerable amount of nitrogen deposition on overburdened Natura 2000 areas. Registration for these two termination schemes will open on July 3. The closing date of the Lbv is December 1, 2023; the Lbv-plus closes on April 5, 2024.

A fixed point of contact

The government wants to provide as much support and advice as possible to all entrepreneurs who fall under the approach and are open to a discussion. The human dimension is paramount and that includes a fixed face. Entrepreneurs who make use of the approach can, upon request, call on a so-called case counselor as a permanent point of contact free of charge. The province and central government work closely together to make this support available. The case supervisors will start in phases per province in the coming weeks – to also learn from the first experiences

Features of the approach

The peak load approach is an approach aimed at the approximately 3000 companies that cause the most nitrogen precipitation in Natura 2000 areas. Participation is voluntary. These are mostly agricultural companies and a few industrial companies. For the latter group, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy is working on an industrial peak load approach.

Entrepreneurs who participate in the approach first of all contribute to the necessary restoration of nature. This creates an increasing scope for granting permits. The space that can be used first is used to legalize PAS reports. Subsequently, other important social developments can also be made possible again, such as the green energy transition, housing and infrastructure. In order to achieve the various objectives in rural areas, it remains necessary to implement the National Program for Rural Areas, the Program for Nitrogen Reduction and Nature Improvement and the Legalization Programme.
