Appointment Secretary-General of Education, Culture and Science | News item

News item | 01-12-2023 | 12:50

Drs. L. (Loes) Mulder will become Secretary General at the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The Council of Ministers has approved the proposal of Minister De Jonge of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. The appointment takes effect on January 1, 2024.

Loes Mulder has been acting secretary general at the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations since August 2023. Previously, she was Secretary General at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. Previously, she was director general for the General Administrative Service at the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and director general of Immigration Affairs, which was then part of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and from 2012 at the Ministry of Security and Justice. Loes Mulder studied Policy and Management in International Organizations at the University of Groningen.

This appointment was made through the procedure for the top management group of the General Administrative Service.
