Appointment of Director General of European Cooperation at Foreign Affairs | News item

News item | 22-12-2023 | 14:49

Drs. HE (Heleen) Bakker will become Director General of European Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Council of Ministers has approved the nomination on the proposal of Minister De Jonge of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. The appointment will take effect in the autumn of 2024.

Heleen Bakker has been Director of European and International Affairs at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate since August 2020. Previously, she was Deputy Chef de Poste and Head of the Political Department at the Dutch Embassy in Washington. Previously, she was (deputy) head of the European Integration/External Policy Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Heleen Bakker studied Public Administration at the University of Twente.

This appointment was made through the procedure for the top management group of the General Administrative Service.
