Appointment National Rapporteur on Addictions | News item

News item | 04-11-2022 | 15:20

In order to gain a better insight into the impact of addictions, it has been agreed in the coalition agreement that a National Rapporteur on Addictions will be set up. At the proposal of State Secretary Van Ooijen of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS), the Council of Ministers has agreed to appoint Arnt Schellekens as National Rapporteur on Addictions. He starts immediately.

State Secretary Van Ooijen: “I see Arnt Schellekens as the suitable candidate to take on the role of National Rapporteur on Addictions. As professor of Addiction and Psychiatry at Radboudumc, he has a broad knowledge of addiction problems. He is going to do important work.”

Arnt Schellekens is a psychiatrist and professor of Addiction and Psychiatry at Radboudumc and the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior and scientific director at NISPA. He is also chairman of the Addiction Psychiatry Division of the European Psychiatric Association. As senior lecturer, he is affiliated with the courses for addiction doctors in the Netherlands and the national addiction psychiatry course.

Professor Schellekens: “Addiction is one of the most common psychiatric disorders with the greatest impact. That is why we must do our utmost to prevent addiction and offer people who have become addicted the help they need. It is very good that this coalition is committed to this. As National Rapporteur, I want to contribute to this by advising the government on prevention policy and good, accessible addiction care.”

Task package

The Rapporteur’s task is to provide a better insight into the developments in and extent of the addiction problem in the Netherlands. This is a broad definition of addictions. The Rapporteur will also advise on prevention measures and the evaluation of measures taken to tackle addiction problems. The recommendations can be addressed to central government, local authorities and other administrative bodies, but also to other stakeholders such as addiction care institutions.

The National Rapporteur on Addictions fulfills his duties independently and reports annually on the approach to addictions to the State Secretary of Health, Welfare and Sport. At the beginning of 2025, the start of the National Rapporteur on Addictions will be evaluated. This evaluation is carried out by an independent body.
