Appointment Minister of State | News item

News item | 14-10-2022 | 17:00

Today, 14 October 2022, Prof. Dr. JP Balkenende has been appointed as Minister of State by Royal Decree.

Jan Peter Balkenende was Prime Minister from 2002-2010. Before that, he was a member of the House of Representatives and a councilor in Amstelveen. Since the end of 2010, Balkenende has been professor of Governance, Institutions and Internationalization at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Since 2011, he has also worked for accountancy and consultancy firm EY (Ernst and Young), first as a partner and later as an external advisor.

Minister of State is an honorary title that is awarded in exceptional cases. The current Ministers of State are Mr Van den Broek, Mr Korthals Altes, Mr Tjeenk Willink, Mrs Dekker, Mr De Hoop Scheffer, Mrs Sorgdrager and Mr Donner.
