Appointment member of the Council for Public Administration | news item

News item | 24-06-2022 | 16:15

On the recommendation of Minister Bruins Slot of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, the Council of Ministers has decided to appoint Prof. Dr. F. (Frank) Hendriks as a member of the Council for Public Administration with effect from 1 July 2022.

Frank Hendriks (1966) has been professor of comparative public administration at Tilburg University since 2005. His research focuses on the quality, functioning and transformation of democratic governance. His recent publications include the referendum, the citizens’ forum and combinations of instruments to tighten up democratic governance.

In 2008 and 2009 Frank Hendriks was a temporary member of the Council for Public Administration for some time. As an expert, he contributed to the report Democracy requires partiality, published in April 2009.

His appointment fills the position within the Council that arose after Prof. Caspar van den Berg became a member of the Senate last January and was therefore forced to relinquish his membership of the Council. The appointment of Prof. Frank Hendriks is for a period of four years.
