Appointment Chairman Advisory Council for Science, Technology and Innovation | news item

News item | 11-03-2022 | 14:30

Dr. EEW (Eppo) Bruins becomes chairman of the Advisory Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (AWTI). The Council of Ministers has approved the nomination for appointment on the proposal of Minister Dijkgraaf of Education, Culture and Science. The appointment will take effect on 1 April 2022 for a period of four years.

Eppo Bruins is a physicist and was a member of parliament for the ChristenUnie until March 2021. He was among other things spokesperson for education, science, economic affairs and innovation. Before his membership of parliament, Bruins was director of Technology Foundation STW and the Technical Sciences area of ​​NWO. He is currently an independent consultant at the interface of science, technology, innovation, governance and politics, with specializations in knowledge transfer and knowledge management in public-private networks, communication between science and politics and in supervising projects related to knowledge institutions.

The AWTI is one of the independent strategic advisory councils of the government and parliament and falls under the joint responsibility of the Minister of Education, Culture and Science and the Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate. The AWTI advises on policy in the field of science, technology and innovation and how policy can ensure a high impact of science, technology and innovation on society and the economy.
