Apple stopped selling its products in Russia

Exports of Apple products have also been stopped.

Apple products are no longer sold in Russia through Apple channels. AOP

Apple has suspended sales and exports of all its products in Russia. The reason for the decision is the war of conquest of Ukraine launched by Russia. News about it Independent.

Apple has no stores in Russia, but has delivered products through its online stores. Apple has announced it will take action in response to the Russian attack.

“We are deeply concerned about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and we stand by all the people who are suffering as a result of the violence,” Apple said.

In addition to stopping product exports, Apple has removed Russian RT News and Sputnik News apps from the App Store outside Russia. Traffic and accident reports have also been disabled in Ukraine.

Apple says it has also restricted its Apple Pay service in Russia. According to the Independent, Russian citizens have reported on social media that they cannot use their debit cards through Apple Pay or Google Pay.

Minister of Digitalisation of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov comments on Apple’s decision On Twitter. His tweet to Apple CEO Tim Cook calls on Apple to “finalize the decision” and ban access to the App Store entirely in Russia.
