Apple has to pay $ 20 million in Brazil for the sale of iPhones without a charger | apple

A civil court in Sao Paulo convicted Apple of unfair business practices because the California company sold its iPhone 12 and 13 models without a charger. The case was brought by the Brazilian consumer association ABMCC.

The ruling, which Apple can still appeal, follows a $2.5 million fine imposed by the Justice Department’s consumer protection agency in September for the same reason. At that time, a ban was also pronounced on selling the affected models without a charger.

Since October 2020, when the iPhone 12 launched, Apple stopped charging new phones “because it’s better for the environment”.

The judge also ordered the company to provide chargers to all customers who have purchased an iPhone 12 or 13 in the past two years and to re-install chargers with all new phones from now on.
