Apple files patents for iPhone gaming controllers

New accessories from Apple are rare. But three new patents give iPhone and iPad owners hope.

Like other smartphones and tablets, the iPhone and iPad are true all-rounders. Among other things, you can play video games on it with impressive graphics. So-called mobile gaming even makes up the largest part of the virtual gaming landscape in this country. This is not necessarily because the games are better than on Switch, PlayStation and Xbox, but rather because of low prices and the high density of smartphones.

The iPhone has so far lacked convenient operating options for more demanding games. No display can compete with a controller. Apple has now registered three patents for controllers in Europe, which should solve this problem.

Three gaming controllers for iPhone and iPad

The three controller options, for which a patent has been filed, do not bring much that is new from a purely visual point of view. Rather, they are strongly inspired by existing input options from the console area and some are already available from third-party manufacturers for other smartphones. First of all, that’s not a bad thing. After all, input options for game consoles have been continuously improved over the last few decades and are therefore at a very high level. In the end, the special thing is certainly in the detail and the quality. However, these things cannot yet be read from the sketches.

1.) Controller based on the Nintendo Switch model

The first gamepad is very reminiscent of the Nintendo Switch. You should attach the two controller parts to the sides of the iPhone, either vertically or horizontally. So you don’t connect them via Lightning. Exactly how they hold up is unclear. Apparently they are docked magnetically and the connection should probably be made via Bluetooth.

2.) Controller based on the Nintendo DS model

The second patent sketch is also strongly reminiscent of a Nintendo model. A flat plate with a control pad on the left, four buttons on the right and a display in the middle is plugged into the smartphone at the bottom, like on a Nintendo DS.

3.) Controller based on home consoles

The last sketches show a conventional controller, as known from home consoles. You should also be able to connect it to the AppleTV. In addition to the usual gaming buttons, you will also find LEDs and switches related to smartphone functions. For example, the display of incoming calls or the ability to switch between games, messages and calls.

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