Apparently new election glitch in Berlin!

From the BZ editorial team

The next breakdown in the Berlin election is imminent: Apparently, the votes for the Greens and the Left were swapped in the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district.

District returning officer Rolfdieter Bohm goes according to the “Berliner Morgenpost” the suspicion that votes for the Greens and the Left were swapped. The voting district 302 in Kreuzberg would be affected.

There were noticeable discrepancies between the results of the elections to the House of Representatives and the District Assembly, according to the “Berliner Morgenpost”.

The Greens are said to have received 48.5 percent of the first votes for the House of Representatives election and 42.7 percent of the second votes, but only 12.7 percent for the election of the District Assembly (BVV).

The Left received around 12.5 percent of the first votes and 15.1 percent of the second votes for the House of Representatives, but 39.1 percent for the BVV.

According to the “Berliner Morgenpost”, district returning officer Bohm suspects that the high values ​​belong to the Greens, the two low ones to the left.

That would also match the data from previous elections in the constituency. The votes of both parties should therefore be viewed again and, if necessary, counted again.

The confusion is said to be in the order of around 150 votes. If this is confirmed, the votes in BVV would go to the Greens. The Greens could win a seat (currently 21) and the Left (currently 12) lose a seat.
