App guides tourists and walkers through Bruges

App guides tourists and walkers through Bruges

The app is available in six different languages. Currently there are four walks available with photos, videos and 360 degree images. Augmented reality will be added in the future. “In a low-threshold way, we encourage users to visit the 73 points of interests on this app,” says tourism alderman Mieke Hoste (Vooruit). “That is of course good for our museums, sights and attractions. We also give them a look behind the scenes of places where a visit is not possible.”

Users of the app can also provide feedback via a satisfaction tool so that the offer can be further optimized. “It is therefore the intention to keep filling the app with new content. This month there will be an exciting addition in the context of the Story of Flanders, in which we bring the ‘Story of Bruges’ to life in the app” says the ships.
