Apothekers shoot alcoholverlaafden te hulp en maden middel Antabuse na | landlocked

As Antabuse had taken and then drunk alcohol, there was no reason to miss the sea in words. So it is a matter of concern for men with an alcohol abuse: he helps us to van de drink after the blijven.

Sanofi stopped real production in Antabuse in April. According to the request had that made with the onstabiele beforehand of the working material, disulfiram.

KIJK. Frans farmabedrijf stops with the production of Antabuse

The Vlaamse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie (VVP) what he did not say about the Sanofi de productie stopzette. After that, the same thing is done with the Apothekersbond and the Federal Agentschap for Geneesmiddelen and Gezondheidsproducten (FAGG) on an “urgently alternative”.

The FAGG also confirms that the moment of the overlay is met by a new expert on the medicine we put on the market via a farmabedrijf.
