Apache 207 clears: “Roller” overtakes “Last Christmas” in the charts



The 25-year-old rapper Volkan Yaman from Mannheim, better known as Apache 207, overtakes a decades-unrivaled Wham! classic with his 2019 song “Roller”: “Last Christmas” stayed in the single charts for 161 weeks – the rap track now 162 weeks. This was determined by GfK Entertainment (as of March 10, 2023) using sales and usage data from 2,800 retailers across all sales channels.

Apache pulls Udo Lindenberg into the charts

Number one in the German best list and “longest-ranked chart hit” is now a track that has already been accessed more than 344 million times on Spotify; The music video even has 159 million views on YouTube (both as of March 13, 2023). However, “Roller” was only at number one for a single week, in September 2019. The song currently sits at number 41.

But Apache’s and Udo Lindenberg’s “Komet” has been at the top of number 1 for six weeks. This is the premiere for Lindenberg: the first number one hit, at the age of 76.

Here are the two Apache songs to listen to:




