Anything is automatically organized, but what do you have to do to register?

What are the rules?

Anybody that is worded in Belgium as a potential donor te zijn, tenzij hij of zij tijdens zijn leven verzet hiertegen heeft aangetekend.

Like other people who register later, it is registered in the central database as someone with a ‘veronderstelde toestemming’.

Everybody is right about what you say here, but you can also confirm that the donor is there. This can be informed, by the family of vrienden op de hoogte te brengen van de keuze, but it can also be registered in the national register.

How does it work in practice?

In principle, each is automatically a donor, tending to another registered state. In practice, that’s really different. Artsen discusses the value of the status first met by the nabestaanden, because the current status of the overwritten zijn organen wilde afstaan, because he was soms refused wordt.

Why are there neighborhoods for donatie?

As organizer kunt u vele levens redden. Het is vandalijk om het hart, the lever, the kidneys, the lungs, the pancreas, a thin van de dunne intestine and de baarmeder te transplanters. Eén overledene kan zo tot eight mensenlevens redden.

Door na de dood also other lichaamsmateriaal af te staan, zals huid, kraakbeen, pezen, botweefsel of hartkleppen, kan één overleden person bovendien het leven van 75 sterk verbeteren.

Thanks to the median approach, the reason for this is the sea, but there is a record on the donor organs. That comes as soon as there are physical organs that can be damaged: it should never be touched by infections of the sick, and donors should be overseen in ‘medically controlled areas’ such as in a building. Maar other zijds gaan bruikbare organen soms lost, not yet known is of de overledene zijn organen wou afstaan.

Daarom is the concern that u here over praat met uw name of uw whoms officieel registreert.

How kunt u zichzelf registreren as orgaandonor?

The procedure is cort strongly vereenvoudigd. Before and after the registration of the enkeleren door to the service burgerzaken van uw gemeente te gaan, maar sinds 2020 kunt u dit gemakkelijk zelf doen via een enkele muisklik.

This can be done via the website van de FOD Volksgezondheid. As you have internet of computer heeft, of not so digitaal onderlegd bent, you also ook aan uw huisarts vragen om het voor u te doen.

What are you doing?

Via het portaal kunt uw keuzes bekendmaken over de donatie van organen and van other menselijk lichaamsmaterialal. U know some of the material used may have been transplanted by another person, before the treatment of geneesmiddelen te producers, of het geneesknowledge onderzoek vooruit te helpen.

What do I think about when I think about it?

India and other registered records, now and again at the moment of thought to change in a new declaration of late registration. When you make a clear declaration of intrekt zonder a nieuwe keuze te maken, you wordt opnieuw beschouwd than someone met ‘veronderstelde toestemming’.
