Anxious moments for partygoers: pontoon breaks loose at Pampus and bobs around

A pontoon with more than thirty partying people floated around on the IJmeer for a long time last night. The partygoers were at a party at Pampus, but ended the day with anxious moments. The KNRM was able to get the partygoers off the water.

Last night a great alarm was raised for the detached pontoon, especially because it was not clear exactly where the colossus was. The KNRM pulled out from all sides – from Marken, Huizen and Lelystad – to trace the pontoon. Once the pontoon was found, the partygoers were quickly rescued.

Because the people were floating on the lake in the dark for some time, an ambulance was also called. “It could of course be that people had become hypothermic, but fortunately that turned out not to be the case,” says a spokesperson for the KNRM. “All 35 people were taken to Uitdam and were able to go home by taxi from there.”

Party again today

It is not clear how the pontoon became detached from the party boat. The spokesperson says that the event at Pampus is also planned for today. “People from the organization were also on the pontoon,” says the spokesperson.

According to him, they should take a look at how they can prevent this.

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