“Anxiety: internal tremors” | News

Those unresolved issues in the history of each subject, are added to a context that overwhelms by a great social, economic and cultural crisis.

The outside world staggers, making it difficult to “get on your feet”, in a great internal shudder.

“My body is still, but I feel it tremble inside.”

Significant expression, reference of a suffering that goes beyond the visible. Tremors of a body that cannot be seen, but that feels out of control.

Despair for not being able to find calm, a mind that is racing with ideas that impose themselves and shake the soul.

“hectic nights”

In bed bodies turn, “possessed” by anxiety.

Minds do not slow down, chains of thoughts become infinite in their repetitions, eating away like the pecking of a woodpecker.

Eternal sleepless nights, constant search for a peace that escapes.

Wanting to say and not being able to, silent screams that drown in intense anguish.

“A few words about a moment without words”

In the office, sometimes this anxiety is felt and is present without the patient being able to put words.

Saying in a look, eyes sparkle and flash.

The tone of a voice, a speech doubts and breaks.

Tension of a body, hands and feet shake, nails bite and tear.

Fingers intertwine and make a sound, their clicks filling the silence of what has not yet been said.

A few words about a moment without words, of expressions not audible but heard.

“Sea of ​​words: breathing is possible”

Anxiety, a voracious fire drowning inside, spilled words flood the environment in a desperate attempt to seek calm.

Given this, questions begin to arise as oxygenation, which slowly invite the person to be able to listen, providing a channel and a paused discursive rhythm.

Questioning suffering, breaking the confinement with changes of scenery, recovering control of one’s own mind.

Necessary waiting time, which allows learning to surf those waves of anxiety, in a reunion with one’s own desire and feeling.

Text: Lic. Germán Rothstein

Images: Pixabay.

Instagram: german_rothstein_psychologist

Facebook: Mr. German Rothstein

Twitter: GermanRothstein


[email protected]

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Instagram Photographer: milcafotografa


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