Anxiety about aging? Here’s the trick to beating it according to science

The fear of time passing affects 63% of Italians. But there is an (easy) way to beat aging anxiety

Eugenio Spagnuolo

– Milan

According to research from a few years ago the fear of aging affects 63% of Italians. A figure which, curiously, coincides with that recorded in the United States, where Forbes Health reveals that the same percentage of Americans, 63%, experience anxiety about the effects of aging. But some good news comes from the USA: a study conducted at the University of Iowa has discovered a simple but effective method to alleviate fears related to advancing age. What is it about?

Aging anxiety: how to beat it

A research team led by Professor Sarah Francis of the University of Iowa has identified aging anxiety as a factor capable of influencing the entire aging process. This anxiety includes fears and worries related to the possible loss of autonomy, the decay of relationships and physical and mental faculties and the discomfort in being with older people. “Several studies have shown that high levels of anxiety about aging also have negative repercussions on health. On the contrary, looking at this phase of life in a more positive way brings benefits to general well-being” explains Francis. AND the key to facing advancing years with optimism and defeating the anxiety of aging is to do regular physical activity.

Aging anxiety: the study

To understand how aging anxiety related to physical activity and various other factors (age, gender, marital status, income), the researchers designed an online survey with 142 questions to ask 1250 participants of different ages. The discovery was that a positive attitude towards physical activity is correlated with a lower fear of growing old. “One of the most important results is that greater positivity towards physical activity is related to less anxiety about aging,” comments the scientist. This could be due to the physical, mental and social benefits of being active, which contribute to overall well-being and to a more favorable perception of the aging process: physical exercise, particularly strength training, helps older adults maintain bone and muscle mass, consequently maintaining motor control and reducing the risk of dementia. Not only: Regular physical activity has been shown to have numerous benefits, including metabolic and anti-inflammatory effects and, according to some studies, it can directly influence cellular genetics, stimulating the endogenous production of a enzyme called telomerase, which has a direct impact on cell aging. This can definitely help slow down the aging process and to maintain good physical and mental health.

break down the barriers of aging

But be careful: despite the known benefits of physical exercise, not least a more peaceful relationship with the fear of growing old, There are several barriers that prevent many middle-aged and older adults from maintaining an active lifestyle. Some people fear injury, others can’t afford a gym membership. To address these issues, Francis and his team are testing a virtual wellness program that includes at-home physical activities and videos to encourage healthy eating and the consumption of protein-rich foods. THE Home training programs could therefore be an accessible therapy against the fear of growing old. The important thing is that these are personalized and not generic, because otherwise they could increase the risk of disaffection: “Listening to the people we are addressing is crucial to creating targeted messages, rather than one-size-fits-all solutions”, concludes the expert.
