ANWR Media wants to further optimize

ANWR Media GmbH has revised its online shop After the restart last week, the e-commerce platform will be further improved in the future, the company, which is part of ANWR Group eG, announced on Friday.

Arlett Ruhtz, the product manager at, praised the measures that have already been implemented: “The relaunch marks a significant milestone for,” she explained in a statement. “We not only launched the front end, but also changed the technical structures behind it, which helps us to react more flexibly to market requirements.”

At the same time, the offering became more focused. “In the area of ​​product range, will concentrate even more on the core competency of shoes and matching and useful accessories and fashion in the future,” the company said. For example, sports equipment items would be completely relocated to the platform, which also belongs to the ANWR Group. “In the coming weeks, missing product groups will be added,” explained ANWR Media.

The next steps are already being planned for “The first expansion stage of is now live, but we are not finished yet and have many ideas and projects on the agenda,” emphasized Ruhtz. “Optimizations in terms of design and usability as well as additional payment options are planned.” Upcoming projects include “the expansion of various personalization measures”, the revision of the Click & Collect model and an automated improvement of the product and image data.
