Antwerp is planning to stay in 2024 | Inland

Antwerp is located in Genk and Kortrijk in the center of the city, which comes as a detainee house. This is reported by Minister of Justice Vincent Van Quickenborne (Open Vld). Het gebouw wordt via unitbouw gerealiseerd op de site van Digipolis. The opening is planned for the summer of 2024.

Detentiehuizen fit in the aanpak om ook korte Gevangenisstraffen (on the three years) effectief uit te voeren. A detentiehuis is a small-scale device that can be punished by the police. Residents were divided into small groups (from 20 to 60) and received intensive support from the mate.

A detentiehuis is a classic device, but it is still under control. The betekent onder meer dat the bewoners strict regelen must naleven, ze dezelfde obligingen hebben als gedetineerden in een Gevangenis en dat zij aan stricte voorwaarden moeten voldoen om het detentiehuis te mogen verlaten.

Grandchildren take care of the children in three years, and the risk profile is raised and the motifs are made in their own hands, and they have a place. How a punishment for terreur feiten of zedenmisdrijven never comes into notice. Even if he mishandled him, he should have won after he had won.

Unit building

In the meantime he also opened two detentiehuizen: in Kortrijk and in Vorst. Naast the planned detentiehuis in Antwerpen also started detentiehuizen in Olen, Zelzate, Ninove and Genk op de planning. The detentiehuis in Antwerp comes from the parking area of ​​the Digipolis site on the Generaal Armstrongweg. The project has been realized with a unit built in a capacity of 40 places.

The question of the unit building is given by the minister for the building “snel en efficiënt” can be given. “The practice is based on the fact that it is not vanzelfsprekend is om voldoende instapklare panden te vinden en local authorities which hun responsiblelijkheid sake opnemen. Thanks to the unit building, he has a lot of options.”
