Antti Ketonen stumbled home drunk and tripped – the foundation for a new turn in his career

Summer is a busy time for singer Antti Ketonen. In addition to projects, there is time to talk about love.

Summer is vacation time for many, but not the singer Antti Ketonen.

– There is no time for vacation in the summer. There are a few days of vacation in September, but we will press before that.

The singer, known for his love songs, says that he wanted to go in a new direction with his music. After making love songs for 20 years, it would be nice to do more, Ketonen reasons.

– I remembered when we were having fun in a group of boys. Sometimes it might be a little too much when we are served to each other. When I got home, I realized how drunk I was. I tried to communicate with my wife, but I realized that it’s not worth talking much now. I went to the bathroom, tripped over the clothes rack and the clothes rack fell to the floor.

That gave rise to Ketonen’s new song, Baddie. He believes that many people can identify with the situation, even if it is not everyday.

Ketonen performed in summer landscapes at the Iskelmä festival in Himos in 2018. He has always valued Finnish nature. Jenni Gastgivar/IL

You have to hurry

Ketonen also hosts Afloatprogram and organizes continuous Salon Evenings between mid-August. In the empty spaces in his calendar, Ketonen has taken singing students. He graduated from Copenhagen’s Complete Vocal Institute, where he studied to become a vocal teacher for three years.

Thanks to his education, Ketonen was able to coach the finalists of the Tango market.

– When you jumped to the other side, you realized the brutality of the game. Just choose one king and queen, for the others it’s game over. A surprising name can emerge from the final team, because in the end it depends on which move they make next.

In the future, we might see the return of Ketonen’s favorite band Längensuora.

– I believe that in the future we could throw a few gigs, but we won’t make a big comeback. Maybe something random sometime, like a few festivals, but we haven’t thought that far yet.

For Antti Ketonen, the ideal situation is that he can go for a run and sauna before the gig. Jenni Gästgivar

Take care of yourself

Ketonen tries to take care of his coping with simple means.

– I like to play sports, but I feel like I don’t have time. It’s not enough if you just go swimming after the gig. You also need to give yourself time to rest. Fortunately, you can sleep on the tour bus during the journeys.

Ketonen can also take it easy. When he came home recently, he watched a crime series About the waterfall and ate half of the bag of chips. He planned to eat some popcorn too, but he didn’t eat it. A little mischief and watching a movie resets well, he says.

– Half a bag of crisps is easy, I would have liked to eat it all. The last time I rewarded myself was after the Tango market finale. We went with the jury to the hotel lobby and I ordered myself two glasses of champagne. One after the other, not all at once.

Ketonen also owns part of a Helsinki restaurant. He was one of its founders, but stayed away from its activities. The entrepreneurs did not get along.

– We knew each other from before, but the chemistry with the company management didn’t work out. It’s a bit like a relationship: if things don’t work out, it falls apart. I still own part of it and the restaurant is doing well. I haven’t even been there as a customer, he can take care of it himself.

Antti Ketos has many irons in the fire. Irons get hot in summer. Jenni Gästgivar

Secrets of love

Antti Ketonen’s family includes his wife and Armi, a bichon frisé.

– I’m not the best at giving relationship tips when I’m on the go all the time. When there is time, we are together and we go out to eat. Time together is important, but so is listening to the other person.

Another person’s laughter starts to come from the other end of the phone. It’s Antti Ketonen’s wife, who says the singer talks thick.

– Then tell me yourself what the secret of a good relationship is, Ketonen asks his wife, laughing.

– That he gets a partner who is quite similar to himself, the wife answers.

Perhaps the most important thing in the end is humor.

Antti Ketonen goes in a new direction with his music. The purpose is to bring in individuality. PASI LEISMA
