Antonin Hajek disappeared – grim rumors are spreading

35-year-old Czech Antonin Hajek is suspected to have died in Malaysia.

Antonin Hajek jumped the suurmäki at the Vancouver Olympics to the seventh place. PDO

Former top ski jumper Antonin Hajek35, is missing, Czech Blesk news.

Hajek, who jumped at the Olympics and finished fourth in the World Cup competition at his best, has been missing for more than a month. Police began searching for him on October 2.

The Czech jumper is suspected to be somewhere in Malaysia at the moment. According to some rumors, he died in Malaysia, but the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not confirmed this.

Hajek’s family has remained silent about the case, and those close to him have no information about the man’s whereabouts.

– The search for the missing person is underway. We received information about the disappearance from the family. The person has not announced himself. We welcome any information that may lead to his discovery, a police spokesman Adela Fialova commented to Bleski.

– Our embassy in Kuala Lumpur is dealing with the case of a missing Czech citizen in the area of ​​Langkawi Island, a spokesman for the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mariana Werner in turn reports.

Hajek ended his ski jumping career in 2015 and has worked in coaching positions in the Czech Republic since then.
