Anton, 19, died – Mother does not accept the official cause

The episode of the Spotlight documentary series tells the story of Anton, who died as a result of drug use.

Kreetta Ahti lost her son when he was 19 years old. Over

Crete Ahdin son Anton died at the age of 19.

Ahti tells her son’s story in what can be seen today on Teema & Femi Spotlight– in an episode of the documentary series Drugs took my children.

Anton had suffered from drug addiction for three years. Anton had started using cannabis right after elementary school.

Anton suffered from serious mental health problems and was suicidal. It was difficult to get treatment, because mental health problems and drug addiction are treated in different units. Both Anton and his family ran out of strength.

The situation improved momentarily when Anton was admitted to the psychiatric ward. However, the three-year struggle was too much. On home leave from the hospital, Anton died.

Kreetta Ahti does not accept her son’s official cause of death. Over

The cause of death was classified as suicide. In Ahdi’s opinion, this is completely wrong.

– That’s the consequence. The reason was mental health problems and substance abuse. Personally, I classify Anton’s death as caused by drugs, Ahti says in the documentary.

Don’t be alone! Comprehensive support is available for mental health problems and suicidal thoughts. You can find information about support services by phone, online and face-to-face in this story.

Spotlight: Drugs took my children today at Teema & Femi at 19:55 & Areena. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.

Reeta Pohjonen told Iltalehte in spring 2022 how she lost her son to drugs because Amadeus didn’t get help for his mental health problems. Jenni Gästgivar
