Antico Vinaio, the Florentine flatbread that conquers the world

Un success born of the lack of desire to study, but certainly not to work. If you add some talent to this, here it appears Tommaso Mazzanti, owner of Vinaino of via de ‘Neri in Florence, now become a “case” to be studied at Bocconi.

L’Antico Vinaio: a success in the world

It all began in 1997 when the father buys the place, after a few years and Tommaso arrives, he leaves the high school and enters the shop as an apprentice for a whole year.

Then, however, the work begins to go so well that the family decides to open the according to Antico Vinaio. Thomas passes behind the counter and then in 2016 he took over the company. Transforming the local into an international phenomenon. So much so that he received offers to open a dunk shop in the United Arab Emirates… Obviously refused.

From the desire not to study to business

But it is in 2019 that the success explodes beyond the Italian bordersi: Antico Vinaio leaves via dei Neri and opens a pop-up in New York for a month. In October 2019 another in West Hollywood. And in front of both queues form. It is there that Tommaso understood that it was time to expand. And where if not Milan? But the timing is not optimal, since coincides exactly with the arrival of Covid.

The beginning of 2020 is the period in which the “shop” was transformed into a “company”. But Tommaso is prudent, he doesn’t want to take the longest step and therefore expansion slows down, especially the Milan project. Although in the end it opens in the worst period ever: April 2020, in full lockdown. But it went well all the same.

L’Antico Vinaio: the genuineness of Tuscan flavors

Now there are 9 shops, 4 of which are in via de ‘Neri, one in Gigli, one in Milan, one in New York and two in Rome. In 2022 it should open in Los Angeles but they are still looking for the right location. A success that according to Tommaso, beyond the goodness of the flatbread with the crumbler, is also due to having genuinely expressed the Tuscan flavors and atmosphere even in the shops outside Florence.

And, of course, also thanks to social networks, such as Facebook through which contact with remote customers becomes very close, of course, TripAdvisor with the excellent reviews reported. And now, they study the way of making the “vinaino” at Bocconi’s marketing courses.



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