Anti-violence number on milk packaging: the idea of ​​the Coop

Ustrong impact idea to offer immediate and concrete help to women victims of violence. On the occasion of the month against gender violence, throughout November Coop Alliance 3.0 writes the emergency number 1522 anti-violence and stalking on milk bottles. To make the emergency number 1522 even more visible, it will be printed even on the receipts. But not only: the November 25, International Day Against Violence Against WomenCoop returns with the solidarity campaign “We spend it, and you?”.

Coop initiatives against gender-based violence

Throughout the month of November, Coop members and customers can purchase some products dedicated to the initiative. Like the Coop Uht semi-skimmed milk in the special ‘Coop says no to violence against women’ package with the anti-violence and anti-stalking number 1522 printed on nectars and the jams Fruits of peace and the canvas bag made by Diana Ejaita (illustrator of the magazine “The New Yorker“). The proceeds will help support 35 organizations committed to combating violence against women in the territories where Coop Alleanza 3.0 is present, from Friuli Venezia Giulia to Puglia. There will be nine beneficiaries in Emilia-Romagna.

Meetings with witnesses and experts and lots of advice

As reported by theDire News Agency, “In addition to fundraising, meetings will also be organized to talk about the phenomenon with experts or witnesses and continue the work of raising awareness and information on gender-based violence. To protect the women they are coming also other news: on the packaging of Coop brand products will be progressively inserted, from the next few months, a discreet message inviting you to contactif victims of violence or stalking, the free emergency number 1522“.

The toll-free number also on the receipts

The free emergency number 1522 is also printed on Coop receipts, regardless of the type of shopping. One way to make even more visible the possibility of asking for help from all women who are victims of verbal, physical or psychological violence. From 14 to 27 November on the receipts issued by the cooperative, the message inviting the use of the number 1522 will appear. Last year the campaign ‘We spend it, and you?’ dedicated almost 80,000 euros to local associations and anti-violence centers through 1% of sales of Solidal Coop and Frutti di Pace products purchased in November.

Associations alongside women

On the occasion of 25 November, International day against violence against women, Coop Alleanza 3.0 works alongside associations and anti-violence centers dealing with women who are victims of abuse and stalking.

Frutti di pace, jams and nectars products are produced by TOGETHER, a cooperative that was born in 2003 in Bratunac and Srebrenica with the aim of encourage the return home of refugees from the former Yugoslaviathrough an activity based on cultivation of small fruits on the family farms united in a cooperative. Strengthening the values ​​of trust, friendship and respect in the areas most affected by the ferocity of war is the basis of the activity of INSIEME. Finally, in collaboration with local realities, Coop promoted the whole month territorial initiatives to raise awareness and inform about gender-based violence.

The numbers of the International Day against Violence against Women

The numbers of the International Day against Violence against Women

DiRe anti-violence centers and shelters

A place to find help, advice, shelter and protection. L’DiRe association brings together in a single project more than 82 women’s organizations dealing with the issue of male violence against women according to the perspective of gender difference. Thanks to’telephone receptionto the personal interviewsathospitality in shelter houses and the numerous other services offered, women are assisted in theirs path of exit from violence.

At this link all the telephone numbers of the DiRe anti-violence centers are available, city by city in alphabetical order.

The Centers carry out activities of psychological counseling, legal, support groups, awareness and prevention, data collection and processing. And then orientation and accompaniment to work, collection of bibliographic and documentary material. The Shelter houses, often at a secret address, they host women and their underage children for a period of emergency.

