Anti-stress essential oils: what is nasotherapy and how it works

Soften snubbed by most, in reality Nasotherapy, or the use of essential oils through application or inhalation, has scientific value. It has in fact been demonstrated that, following the indicated doses and under medical advice, the properties of essential oils help alleviate problems such as anxiety and stress And they also strengthen the immune and antibacterial system. In short, it may be the right time to give this technique another chance.

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Essential oils, what is nasotherapy

«Nasotherapy falls within the field of aromatherapy and has been used for centuries in different cultures to treat a wide range of ailments. The technique consists in the use of essential oils that are inhaled either because they are applied around the nose area or because their aroma spreads from a room diffuser. AND their benefits are multiple” explains Francesca Maffeo, naturopath and expert in traditional Chinese medicine.

Alternative and complementary treatment, essential oils enter the body through skin absorption or nasal inhalation, in some cases even if administered orally. But how do essential oils work? Through the naso-brain pathway, they cross the blood-brain barrier and reach the cerebral tissue: by acting on the thalamus and limbic system, they improve the symptoms of some disorders.

When to rely on nasotherapy and essential oils

When can we use this technique? «The benefits of nasotherapy are multiple. The essential oils used can in fact help reduce stress and anxiety for example, they improve the quality of sleep or induce relaxation, alleviate the symptoms of colds and fluheadaches and improve breathing in general.”

It is no coincidence thatNasotherapy has been proven through scientific studies of the advantages especially in the treatment of mood disorders: in particular, it is very suitable for fight depression, anxiety, disorders such as sleep disorders. All this is possible because «essential oils have specific propertiesincluding strengthening the immune system while the most requested are antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ones” continues the expert.

The most suitable essential oils, including mint and lavender

What are the most suitable essential oils for nose therapy? «In general they are peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, pine oil or thyme oil they help combat colds and respiratory disorders. The lavender, chamomile and sweet orange oils are very useful for relaxing the nerves and tensions and induce relaxation. L’tea tree oil instead it is also useful in the form of prevention, it becomes good advice to spread it in closed work environments or at home to prevent colds or flu. Very few drops are enough to avoid any irritation. Well known for their therapeutic properties, these oils can be used individually or in combination, depending on individual needs” explains the expert.

To perform nasotherapy, you can apply a little oil, never pure but combined with another carrier, around the nose or use a diffuser that diffuses the aromas into the air: «In both cases, It is important to follow the instructions on recommended doses and use high quality oils to ensure their maximum effectiveness and safety. The more you are exposed to the molecules of the diffused essential oils, the more you will get the desired benefit.”

Nasotherapy and contraindications: are there any?

Nasotherapy generally has no contraindications, if not any allergies or sensitivities to specific essential oils. In general though some precautions are necessaryas the expert explains: first of all Always follow the recommended doses very carefully in mixing the oils e always choose the best quality ones.

Furthermore in the case of pregnant women or children or even people with particular medical conditions, it is important to seek advice from the doctor what are the most suitable essential oils on a case-by-case basis.

