Anti-stress dogs and cats, benefits for mental health

SAccording to the World Health Organization, 13% of the population suffers from problems related to mental well-being, starting from anxiety, the most common disorder globally (31%) and which in Italy affects almost two and a half million people . The solution? It could be flesh, fur and bone. Capable of providing to his reference human hours and hours of pet therapy every day and at no cost. The presence of dogs and cats in the family has a’positive influence on mental well-being for 93% of Italianssays a survey.

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Mental health, the benefits of dogs and cats against anxiety and stress

In order to increase awareness and encourage activities that promote and protect the psychological well-being of every individual, the World Mental Health Day (World Mental Health Day): an anniversary, created by the World Federation for Mental Health and supported by the WHO itself, which is celebrated on 10 October each year. At the center of the day are numerous initiatives to remember how even small daily actions can often help. For example? Interaction with animals: according to recent studies, it helps reduce cortisol levels and improve mood, fighting anxiety and stress.

Pet therapy at home, at no cost

The evidence is confirmed by a survey conducted by Edgard & Cooper (natural pet food company). According to the data collected, 62% of Italians have noticed a decrease in anxiety and stress levels when sharing one’s life with a dog or cat. And almost 76% of those interviewed said that the proximity of a four-legged friend was helpful in coping and overcome difficult situations or moments of sadness.

Woman laying on couch petting, looking lovingly and smiling at her large fluffy Old English Sheepdog that sits comfortably on her

Dogs and cats are also personal trainers

The benefits don’t end here. The entry of a pet into the family, for 8 out of 10 Italians, has also had a positive impact on everyday life. By encouraging a healthier lifestyle and better organization of your time. Stimulating a more active routine (53%), leaving the house more often and spending more time outdoors (35%). All activities that contribute to the release of serotonin and ward off stress.

And they also help in social relationships

Dogs and cats also help improve interpersonal and family relationships. Thanks to the walks, almost 64% of those interviewed have established new friendships and social relationships. 45%, on the other hand, noticed a strengthening of bonds within the family. As well as a greater sense of shared responsibility within the home (20%).

And the pleasure is mutual. According to the survey conducted by Edgard & Cooper, in fact, 96% of Italian dogs and cats show signs of happiness and well-being following interaction with their pet parent.

