Anti-Israel demonstration despite the ban

Police officers broke up the unauthorized demonstration with more than 50 participants Photo: David Heerde

By Ole Kroning

Despite a court-approved ban on demonstrations, the police had to take action against an unauthorized Palestinian elevator!

On Sunday afternoon, more than 50 demonstrators with Palestinian flags gathered at Hermannplatz in Neukölln and formed a procession. The police quickly broke it up, and arrests were made.

A spokesman for the BZ situation center: “At Hermannplatz there was an unreported meeting related to Palestine. The participants were screened and evictions were issued.”

A woman masked with a Palestinian cloth (Kufiya) raises her fist militantly

A woman masked with a Palestinian cloth (Kufiya) raises her fist in a combative manner Photo: David Heerde

Several demos on the Palestinian Nakba memorial day had been banned due to fears of anti-Semitic outbursts and outbreaks of violence. This also applied to substitute events.

Attacks on Jewish citizens and the state of Israel had occurred time and time again in previous elevators.


Anti-Israel demonstrations Berlin police
