Anti-inflammatory diet: menu for weight loss

Lan anti-inflammatory diet may be necessary in some periods of life, when abdominal swelling, intestinal disorders or in the presence of tumors occur. The goal is prevent or counteract the inflammatory state chronic of the organism. To do that you will have to favor certain foods and eliminate them, at least temporarily, others. But when to approach this type of diet and for how long?

What is chronic inflammation

“A Sedentary lifeaoverfeeding and of poor quality can contribute tochronic asymptomatic inflammationor low-grade, which is the basis of chronic degenerative diseases and cancer.

The accumulation of fat, especially visceral fat, in fact, generates the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines which create an inflammatory environment in the body and promote the production of hormones that predispose to cancer. Fortunately, however, by changing the lifestyle and diet, it is possible correct this condition and prevent or combat these pathologies», explains the Doctor Elizabeth Macorsininutritionist biologist of Humanitas Medical Care – Humanitas Mater Domini Hospital.

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Anti-inflammatory diet and intestinal microbiota

«A diet rich in industrial food and of the so-called junk food alters the intestinal microbiotadetermining its dysbiosiswhich increases and maintains the inflammatory state ed prevents weight loss. To counteract inflammation, it is necessary to choose the right quantity and quality of food, also favoring seasonality and variety and an active life. There anti-inflammatory food pyramid see at the base vegetables to eat every day and at the apex the red meat, processed and preservedAnd desserts to be eaten only occasionally. Furthermore, it is good to avoid excess energy, especially a dinner. The evening meal, indeed, must be particularly light and with a low intake of carbohydrates and lipids. It is better to prefer i complex carbohydratesThe unsaturated fatty acidssuch as extra virgin olive oil, and polyunsaturated, such as Omega 3. Well too vegetable proteins», advises the expert.

Foods to avoid

«If the goal is to reduce inflammation, it is good to limit or exclude, even temporarily, some foods that increase levels of inflammatory cytokines and are therefore able to determine epigenetic modifications, i.e. they have the ability to act directly on our DNA. So, no to foods high in fatwith a high glycemic and insulinemic index. Also avoid the breakfast cereals high in sugarthe refined flourstype 0 and 00, le red meatsbut also white from intensive farmingand in general all processed or processed meats, such as cured meats, sausages, frankfurters» continues Dr. Macorsini.

Anti-inflammatory diet: what to watch out for

Also pay attention to type of cooking: cooked foods ad high temperature, such as fried, grilled or barbecued, may contain carcinogens. Not too ai pre-cooked or industrial foods and foods rich in hydrogenated polyunsaturated fatty acids: bakery productssuch as sandwich bread, sandwich bread, crackers and biscuits, and from commercial pastry, french fries packaged, savory snacks, pre-cooked dishes that are due to hypercholesterolemia. Also watch out for excess salt present in ready-to-eat foods», warns the expert.

The weekly meal plan

«Bring them to the table raw or cooked fresh seasonal vegetables 3 or 4 times a day. Also there fresh fruit seasonal must be present daily, 1 or 2 times better if far from meals. Yes to nuts and oilseeds, to eat for breakfast or even as a snack. Prioritize i Whole grains 1 or 2 times a day. Well i too legumes to choose from 3 or 4 times a week. As for the proteins, the perfect blue fish, rich omega-3, at least 2 times a week. Organic eggs can be chosen 2 times a week. Eliminate or limit as much as possible the presence of sweets. Yes instead to dark chocolate. Excellent the green tea and kukicha tea, rich in antioxidants. yes toextra virgin olive oil to season dishes. It is advisable to repeat the anti-inflammatory diet a couple of times a year Also for preventive purposes», advises the expert.

