Anti-Covid and anti-flu vaccine: the 2023 rules

THECovid has not disappeared and the immunity from infection given by the vaccine decreases over time. For this reason, the Ministry of Health recommends a booster dose of the updated vaccination against the Sars-Cov2 virus for the elderly (aged 60 and over), chronically ill patients, guests of long-term care facilities, pregnant and post-partum women, healthcare workers and socio-health workers, medical students, family members and cohabitants of people with serious fragilities.

The seasonal flu has already arrived: the vaccine is the best weapon to raise antibody defenses

«The new formulation is expected to be available in October. The aim is to prevent mortality, hospitalization and the most severe complications of the virus, such as pneumonia from bacterial superinfection – explains Roberta Siliquini, president of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health -. It would be useful that those who regularly come into contact with vulnerable individuals should be vaccinatedor”.

The vaccination covers 12 months and is carried out at least 3 months after the last dose or diagnosis of infection. The booster will not be given in dedicated spaces but by family doctors, in pharmacies, or in local vaccination centers. For the risk categories I will be free, for those who want to get vaccinated without belonging to them it is not yet clear today (September 1st, ed.).

Fragile people and family members are also advised to get the flu vaccine as soon as the Region of residence makes it accessible. «It is essential for pregnant or breastfeeding women, given that up to 3 months the baby’s immune coverage is provided by maternal antibodies» says Siliquini.

