Anti-autonomy against Vox?, article by Xavier Casals

Macarena Olona has converted the 12 seats and 396,607 votes (10.9%) that vox achieved in 2018 in 14 deputies and 493,932 votes (13.4%). But this has been seen as a failure due to the high vote expectation (Santiago Abascal expected 26 seats) and its irrelevance for the PP to form a government. The causes of this result are diverse, but it is possible that his anti-autonomism has taken its toll. As is known, Vox rejects the autonomous State (“the beach bar of the 17 states & rdquor ;, according to Abascal) and wants to create another unitary one of “a single Government and a single Parliament & rdquor ;. Previously, he wishes to return “immediately to the State the powers of education, health, security and justice & rdquor; and limit “autonomous legislative capacity” as much as possible. This bet has made their regional candidates not seem very concerned about the functioning of the communities.

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Thus, his only deputy elected in 2019 in Castilla y León, Jesús García Conde, did not know how to answer when asked how he would address “gender ideology & rdquor; and the “unity of Spain & rdquor; from the Regional Chamber. Likewise, in the Catalan elections of 2021, the Vox candidate, Ignacio Garriga, believed that the Generalitat’s budget was 27 million euros when it is 30,000, which did not prevent him from obtaining 11 seats (7.6%). At the same time, his candidate in Castilla y León in 2022, Juan García-Gallardo, by achieving a decisive result for the PP to form a Government (13 deputies, 17.6%), negotiated a cut in structures and budgets, and also a vice-presidency without portfolio in a coalition Executive. His salary exceeds that of the president and he has appointed three senior positions (a new one: cabinet director). The press has indicated that this Government has increased the number and budget of senior officials, but Vox affirms that the latter have been reduced by 20%. For now, it does not seem that the formation perceives the Castilian-Leonese autonomy as a serious dysfunction of the State, despite crying out against the “states & rdquor ;.

In this framework, possibly Olona has reflected this contempt of the party towards the autonomies, together with his belief in the strength of the brand and the convening power of its leadership. Hence, instead of seeking a local leadership with pull, it has registered one of its members in Salobreña as a candidate, which has reinforced her profile as a “parachutist & rdquor ;. Given its rejection of political Andalusianism (Abascal called its founder, Blas Infante, a “poor man”), Vox can only champion a stereotyped regionalism, which explains the parade of fans and typical costumes in Olona. Thus, seeing that the new leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, alluded to the “Catalan nationality & rdquor; without complexes and that the winner of the elections, Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla, has displayed a discreet Andalusianism, it is conceivable that in the limited progress Vox reflects that his anti-autonomist parish is reaching its ceiling. At the end of the day, after 40 years of existence, autonomous Spain enjoys iron bad health.
