Anteverted uterus: meaning, conception | I Woman

Utero antiversoflex: It can happen to many women, over the course of one gynecological examination, to discover this particular condition. Equally common is to wonder, especially when trying to get pregnant, whether this condition could in any way hinder conception or have health repercussions.

Pregnancy and infections: what they are and how to prevent the risks

But what is meant by anteverted uterus and how does it manifest itself?

To clarify any doubts, we asked some questions to the doctor Giada Almirantegynecologist at the Gynecology and Obstetrics Unit of the IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital and consultant gynecologist at the Casa di Cura La Madonnina.

Anteverted uterus: meaning

First of all it is good to clarify that the uterus, whose shape resembles that of a cone with the tip pointing downwards, is composed of three parts: The uterine bodyor the wider section that expands upwards and from which the fallopian tubes unravel, the neck or cervixwhich points downwards and inserts into the vagina, and finally the isthmus.

«The uterus anteversoflex is a congenital paraphysiological condition – explains Dr. Almirante – in which the uterus has a forward angulationtowards the abdominal wall. In reality you have to distinguish between anteversion and antiflexion. The antiversion it is that condition for which the entire uterus (therefore body, isthmus and neck) forms an open angle forwardtowards the anterior abdominal wall, at least 90° to the vagina. Instead we talk about anti-flexion when it is present a forward angle of at least 120° but only of the uterine body compared to the neck».

It is not a pathology

To allay any fears, however, it is important to know that anteversion as well as antiflexion of the uterus are not pathologies.

«It was once thought that the anteverted uterus was a pathological condition that could create problems – underlines the gynecologist. – Today we know that this is not the case. Just think that 75-80% of women have an anteverted uterus. Not to mention that the uterus is a mobile organ. This means that, with its ligaments, it can have mobilizations: if, for example, the intestine has some problems or the bladder is full, the uterus can move.”

Retroverted and anteverted uterus: what is the difference?

The anteverted uterus, however, should not be confused with the uterus retrovertedwhich is an even different condition.

«Precisely it is there opposite condition – explains Dr. Almirante. – In this case indeed the entire uterus is turned towards the rectum. Likewise, the retroflexed uterus is the opposite condition of the antiflexed uterus: the body of the uterus is therefore moved backwards compared to the cervix. While though the anteverted uterus does not cause any type of problemat the level of symptoms, the retroverted uterus can cause pain during sexual intercourse, what is called ‘dyspareunia‘. With intercourse, in fact, you can touch a part of the uterine body and, potentially, this can cause some pain. From the point of view of pregnancyhowever, none of these conditions can be considered an obstacle».

Anteverted uterus: when is it not congenital?

As we were saying, the anteverted uterus is almost always a congenital condition. Only in some cases, can occur following certain situations.

“There pregnancy it’s one of these – specifies the gynecologist. – So long as with the increase in volume of the uterus it can also increase anteversion. Also some pathologies can determine this condition: endometriosisfor example, or a significant vesico-uterine adhesion syndrome. In this case, in fact, the adhesions create a kind of tension at the bladder level and the uterus, for this reason, is moved forward. Also previous interventions at the uterine-abdominal level can encourage antiversion.”

How to understand if the uterus is anteverted

Not being a pathological condition, the anteverted uterus does not even require specific tests.

«One is enough gynecological examination performed correctly to establish whether the uterus is anteverted or retroverted. Or antiflex or retroflex – explains the gynecologist. – For greater certainty and precision, then, a transvaginal pelvic ultrasound can remove any doubt.”

Other conditions can hinder conception

There are therefore other conditions affecting the uterus that can hinder pregnancy.

«There can actually be many. Among the most common, certainly, endometriosisas adhesion syndromes that can occlude the tubes – concludes Dr. Almirante. – Or again endouterine adhesions, such as the Asherman syndrome or uterine infectionsfor example from Chlamydia, Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma. Lastly, it can also be an obstacle to conception presence of uterine fibroids, that is, benign solid neoformations that originate from the muscular tissue of the uterus.”

Only a consultation with a specialist, therefore, can clarify any doubts.

