Anrei Hakulinen’s car caught attention in Turku – the middle finger was raised

Cars with a lock pattern attract attention.

Western Finland collected to his point questions from the fourth graders of the Rauma school and tried to answer them.

Some of the curiosities naturally concern the local puck pride Rauma Lukko. At the children’s request, Länsi-Suomi found out, among other things, why the league players drive around the city in blue cars that have been enhanced with the yellow Luko logo. They also wanted an answer to what they think of them.

Managing director Kalle Sahlstedt says that the cars offered by the club have been put into use primarily to serve foreign players, but of course also for marketing purposes.

– They look like that maybe because it was wanted to have big Lukko signs on them and that way they stand out well, “Killeri” opens.

The cars are also used by domestic players, such as the club’s star and captain Anrei Hakulinenwho knows that the blue and yellow going games are the CEO of the club Jukka Kunnasen marketing idea.

Hakulinen has had to experience the fierce local fighting spirit of the west coast because of the logo tapings.

– As a player, I don’t like those Lukko signs, but I’d rather be without them. I can tell you a recent example from the weekend, when I stayed in Turku after the game and drove a car there. A couple of times there was a middle-aged man standing when I drove by. In Rauma, people always stare when, for example, you stop at the lights, but here, after all, no one has shown the middle finger.

Turku’s reactions may have been aggravated by the match played on Saturday, where Lukko beat the host team Tepsi with goals 3–1.

Anrei Hakulinen had to look at the center while driving in Turku. Jussi Saarinen
