Another tourist disappeared in Peru, Italian (30) was hiking in Andes | Abroad

Fedele, who was working with the NGO WeWorld on an EU project in Peru, left the village of Urubamba on July 4 to walk to Lake Juchuycocha in Cuzco. He told a girl he had met that he would return the same day. Since then, no sign of life has been heard from him. His phone has been turned off, police said.

Rescuers search the snow-capped mountains for the Italian. The area they search is difficult to access and has snow-capped peaks up to 5,500 meters high. Drones are therefore used for the rescue.

Cuzco is located a few hundred kilometers from Arequipa, where the search for a Belgian tourist is still ongoing. 28-year-old Natacha de Crombrugghe disappeared near Cabanaconde on January 24 when she did not return after trekking through the Colca Canyon.

In the past five years, a Spanish and an American tourist have also disappeared in the region, local press reports.
