Another Tomi Björck restaurant is closing its doors

Lily Lee, located in Helsinki, is closing its doors.

Tomi Björck’s Lily Lee opened in 2020. Eeva Paljakka

A celebrity chef Tomi Björck’s The Lily Lee restaurant piloted by Helsingin Erottaja is closing its doors.

– The restaurant was opened in the middle of the corona pandemic and unfortunately the turbulent time in the restaurant industry has continued after the pandemic, the restaurant says in the announcement.

The restaurant, influenced by Taiwanese food culture, opened in the fall of 2020.

According to the release, making the operation profitable was not a difficult task.

According to the release, the company has been hopeful that the general economic situation would improve, but the seemingly quiet beginning of next year led to the decision to close.

This is what Lily Lee looks like. Eeva Paljakka

Lily Lee is another Björck restaurant that will close its doors within a short time. The Japanese-style Sanchome closed the door in February. It was only open for a year.

Björck, who lives in Australia with his family, has several restaurants in Finland, Australia and Sweden
