Another suspect (25) after murder in children’s home in custody!

By Joerg Völkerling

After the murder of ten-year-old Lena in the St. Josef children’s home in Wunsiedel, new and unbelievable details keep coming to light: On Thursday, a second suspect (25) was caught after an 11-year-old resident.

He is said to have been involved in the crime on the night of April 3rd and 4th and was sent to custody on Friday by the investigating judge at the Hof District Court!

For the first time, the police and the public prosecutor have now also confirmed what BILD reported three weeks ago: “Due to the involvement of other experts, the investigators confirmed the suspicion of a sexual offense against the girl,” said public prosecutor Dr. Matthew Goers.

Lena was half naked in her bed when she was found that Tuesday morning at around 8.45 a.m. The condition of the body indicated that the time of death was several hours ago.

The now completed autopsy of the child, who had only been in the home for a few months after a custody dispute between the parents, revealed violence against the neck as the cause of death. But that was not the end of the investigative work for the 40-strong Soko “Park”.

Police spokesman Alexander Czech: “Forensic technology specialists were able to secure further extensive trace material on the extensive area and in the buildings of the facility. These included molecular genetic and dactyloscopic traces as well as digital traces.”

The 11-year-old roommate was targeted by investigators on the day the body was found. He behaved suspiciously and, according to BILD information, was “hardly responsive”.

In the meantime, interrogations were carried out in coordination with the youth authorities and in the presence of psychologists. “The eleven-year-old made statements to the investigators, but did not comment on the crime,” said Czech.

The 25-year-old, whose connection to the home is still unclear, did not admit the suspicion of a homicide or sex crime, but is considered an urgent suspect due to the matches in the secured tracks.

The investigating authorities refused further information with reference to the age of individual participants on Friday.
