Another setback catering pavilion Emmen: party withdraws

The search for an operator for a catering pavilion to be developed at the Grote Rietplas in Emmen has again come to nothing. The tender deadline set by the municipality expired last Friday. One party was interested, but has withdrawn, partly due to the rise in interest rates.

“We are very sorry that the tender has not led to a party realizing a catering facility at this special location,” said a spokesman for the municipality.

In 2020, the municipality of Emmen called on entrepreneurs to think about catering at the pond between the Rietlanden and Parc Sandur districts. The location that the municipality had in mind for this is a peninsula with space for a building of 500 square meters.

Due to the corona pandemic, it was decided to postpone the search first. September last year, the municipality made a new attempt, but this only resulted in one plan. The municipality decided not to proceed any further, because there were missing documents with the application.

Although the latest tendering procedure has not yielded anything concrete, the municipality is persevering. “We still believe in the potential of the location and hope to find a suitable party in the future,” said the spokesperson. “We are now going to consider the next step.”
