Another request for wind turbines along the Noorderring, and again immediate protest

Another request for wind turbines along the Noorderring, and again immediate protest

The public inquiry runs until October 10, and there is immediate protest from the neighborhood. According to Aspiravi, the mills would be sufficiently far away from homes and important heritage. But the Frontwind Irish Cemetery action committee contradicts this: “The windmills are said to be located on either side of the New Irish Farm Cemetery, the military cemetery located near the bicycle tunnel under the Noorderring. The turbines have a tip height of 200 meters and would be placed a few hundred meters from the residential zone in Sint Jan, the Jan Yperman Hospital and the planned city park in Sint Jan. This is incomprehensible. The cast shadow can extend to more than 2 km. Especially in the morning and evening, when the sun is lower, the cast shadow can reach very far.”

A public inquiry is currently underway where objections can be formulated. Aspiravi will hold an information evening on Wednesday, September 20 at CC Het Perron in Ypres. The Frontwind Irish Cemetery action committee is planning an information evening on Tuesday, September 26 in Sint Jan.
