Another humpback spotted off the Zeeland coast | NOW

A humpback whale was observed off the Zeeland coast on Tuesday. Images of the fin whale have been posted on social media by Strandpaviljoen DOK 14 in Cadzand, which is located near the border with Belgium. The SOS Dolphin Foundation assumes that it is the same animal that has been seen off the Belgian coast in recent days. It is a young and relatively small specimen.

The Belgian Natuurpunt suspects that the same humpback whale was caught on film by a fisherman last month near Westkapelle in Zeeland. The nature organization reports that since the end of May a humpback whale has been observed daily between Knokke and Zeebrugge.

Humpback whales are increasingly common in the North Sea

Humpback whales are often seen in Dutch waters. Since 2003, according to Natuurpunt, humpback whales have been reported more and more in the southern North Sea. Mature specimens can grow up to 18 meters in length and weigh up to 40 tons.
