Another fire at Efteling show Raveleijn: ‘Investigate whether there is a connection’

For the second time in a short time, a fire has broken out at the Raveleijn park show in Efteling. Photos show how a house next to the gate in the middle area of ​​the theater is on fire. At the end of last month it was already hit. The theater has been temporarily evacuated.

According to a spokesman for Efteling, it was a small fire during the five-hour show. The fire was extinguished by the park itself. The fire service is still coming for a check.

On May 30, a fire started during the show. Then the flames shot out of a house in the set. The damage turned out to be not too bad after all.

As a result of which a fire has started in the show for the second time in a short time, the spokesperson cannot yet say: “Since the opening of Ravelijn in 2011, we have been using fire effects. It seems that it has now gone wrong twice in a short time. by chance. But of course we will investigate whether there is a connection.”

It is currently unclear when the show will reopen. “We have to check everything carefully first. That will probably no longer be the case today. But as soon as everything is safe, we will open again.”

In a video from amusement park website Looopings you can see how the flames beat out of the house.
