Another Finnish top hit the skis in the bag

Lauri Vuorinen, who skied a great Tour, has skied his tour de ski.

Lauri Vuorinen suspends this year’s Tour de ski.

Vuorinen, who finished 12th on Thursday, was satisfied with his day, but despite that, the skis of the tour have now been skied. He was 20th overall.

– There is no getting sick or anything, but a very competitive solution to this point is to go home to recover and rest. There are still a lot of races left for this season and I don’t feel that I have anything left to give in the overall tour, Vuorinen says in the announcement of the Ski Association.

Vuorinen commented to Iltalehte that today’s race was one of the toughest in his life.

– The ski was really good in terms of grip. The slide was ok. But traction lubrication was important when going up hills. I was able to trust the ski and otherwise we went with the holy spirit, Vuorinen said.

The Finnish representation is getting rarer as the Tour approaches its final stop. Jasmi Joensuu suspended earlier Thursday. Made the same decision earlier Joni Mäki. Iivo Niskanen on the other hand, made the decision to completely skip the competition even before the first race.

IL distributed Lions & sheep to Finnish skiers.
