Another farmer’s action against nitrogen policy on Tuesday

Farmers may again protest the cabinet’s nitrogen plans on Tuesday. That says Monday evening foreman Bart Kemp of farmers’ action group Agractie Nederland. He says that these are not actions organized by Agractie. It is unclear where and how big those actions are.

On Tuesday, a vote will be taken in The Hague on motions submitted during the nitrogen debate in the House of Representatives last week. Dozens of farmers then came to discuss the nitrogen policy announced by the cabinet with members of parliament. That means, despite the farmer’s actions in recent days, to stick to the plans. Provinces must implement the policy with “customization”.

Last week there was a big demonstration in Stroe against the policy. On Monday, farmers also took to the road in several places and erected blockades in protest. Kemp says that the actions send a clear signal, and on Monday morning he asked the responsible minister Christianne van der Wal (Nature and Nitrogen) again not to go through with her plans. “Don’t continue on this path. Don’t let peaceful action escalate into a peasant uprising,” he said at the time.

He argues that farmers can’t do much more. “We are never in line for escalation, we are looking for solutions, but now we have our backs against the wall. We can no longer do anything as a sector.”

As far as the cabinet is concerned, ammonia emissions from agriculture must be reduced by an average of 40 percent, so that nature is no longer overloaded. According to the plans, virtually no more emissions may take place in protected nature areas themselves, according to the minister, a reduction of 70 percent is necessary immediately. According to her, only then will it be possible to sufficiently reduce the nitrogen load on nature.
